Red zebra cichlid mbuna
Red zebra cichlid mbuna

Wood tends to lower pH and is not usually recommended for African cichlid aquariums. Unlike most other zebra species, though, females usually display richer colors than males These Fish are Very Popular Despite Their Unique Demands. Red Zebra Mbuna Cichlid (Estherae) and over 2000 species on stock with 24 hours express delivery to your. Red Zebras have bright orange-red scales with faint traces of blue and yellow spots on the dorsal and anal fins like other mbuna fish. Substrates can range from the whitish coral sand used in saltwater aquariums to black freshwater sand or even regular decorative gravels. Buy fish, corals and inverts online for your tank. Rock "piles" and shelf-like backgrounds are common designs and can be made from tufa rock, lava rock or slate. Several other groups of cichlids can also be found from these lakes, some of which can be large and aggressive predators research all choices carefully.ĭecor for a Malawi/Victoria aquarium should be very rocky. Mbuna cichlids tend to be more aggressive and may bully the usually more passive Peacocks but some Mbuna cichlids are far more aggressive than others. While aggression and compatibility can vary from species to species, mixing Mbuna and Peacock cichlids is not usually recommended. Two of the most popular groups of these cichlids are the "Peacocks" (mostly the Aulonocara genus) and "Mbuna's" (native term for "rock fish" and including the genera Pseudotropheus, Labidochromis, Maylandia, Melanochromis and others).

red zebra cichlid mbuna red zebra cichlid mbuna

As with all cichlids, they are very territorial and will not tolerate other cichlids around "their" crevice. They don’t always display the stripes either. Despite their name, Red Zebra Cichlid they aren’t always red. They are endemic to Lake Malawi, and they can be found along the eastern coast of the lake. They seldom stray far from the rocky bottoms and sides of the lake and will quickly dart into the rocks to hide. Red Zebra Cichlids ( Maylandia Estherae) are beautiful rock dwelling African Cichlid species. While typically both males and females are orange-yellow in colour, a blue. A relatively short bodied Mbuna Cichlid which can vary in colour morphs depending on their origin in Lake Malawi. Most cichlids in both lakes are rock-dwellers. Red Zebra Mbuna, Ice Blue Zebra, Cherry Red Cichlid, Orange Blotch Cichlid Additional scientific names Metriaclima estherae, Pseudotropheus estherae. Several hundreds species of cichlid are found in Lake Malawi, along with many regional variations, but Lake Victoria has far fewer due to the introduction of invasive predators. However, with adequate care and nutrition. Malawian and Victorian cichlids are similar in care and temperament, leading to fish from these two lakes being grouped together in the hobby. The full-grown Red Zebra Cichlid species, also known as Tilapia Zebra and False Zebra Mbuna, live for about ten years. The pattern varies between individuals so no two are identical. It has a reddish-orange body color with dark marbling. The Orange Blotch Red Zebra is an aquacultured color variant of Metriaclima estherae. The bright color of Red Zebra cichlids make them a great addition to any African cichlid tank. Groupings are shown for representative purposes only fish are sold individually. Please contact a Livestock Mailorder representative at 87 or for more information on current availability. Omnivorous, the Red Zebra will enjoy all manner of flaked foods, live foods, algae, lettuce, spinach, and duckweed in its diet.The fish pictured here are representative only and the fish you receive may vary in pattern or coloration.

red zebra cichlid mbuna

A small group of 5 to 7 females and one male provide the best opportunity for breeding. The fry remain in the female's mouth for 12 to 18 days before being released. Matriarchal in family structure, the female first lays up to 60 eggs, which she then scoops into her mouth where they are fertilized. This red zebra has been loitering around in the tank for a while and I thought it was about time he got his own showcase video.The red zebra is a medium to l. Most members of the mouth brooding variety of African Cichlids are easily bred while in the aquarium if given the proper tank set-up and excellent water conditions. A bully by nature, without plenty of room, pyramids, rocks and crevasses to establish territory, Red Zebra will torment other tank mates. Metriaclima estheraeis a Mbuna Cichlid, and is also called the Zebra Cichlid, Tilapia Zebra, and the False Zebra Mbuna. It does not have notable stripes like other varieties of this genus and species. The Red Zebra, although appearing more of a yellow color, is often a brilliant red in the wild. The Red Zebra African Cichlid, Metriaclima estherae, is known by a plethora of other names, often based on color.

Red zebra cichlid mbuna