He thundered forth an eloquent challenge to the monumental works of science and human excrescences of knowledge, such as those which societies use the elements of the earthly globe to produce.Between his moustache and his beard there peeped, like a rose, a sweet and eloquent mouth, small, and fresh, and perfectly formed.Mademoiselle de Villenoix has no doubt destroyed the real letters that she received, eloquent witnesses to the delirium she inspired.He triumphs merely by his presence, more eloquent in his silence than the prophet in his speech.We had both played the part of the "Leper of Aosta," and had both experienced the feelings described in Monsieur de Maistre's story, before we read them as expressed by his eloquent pen.To adopt the eloquent expressions of Arnold respecting the check which she gave to the Carthaginian arms, "Syracuse was a breakwater which God's providence raised up to protect the yet immature strength of Rome.Cato spoke well, but could not be reckoned among the eloquent men of his time.

Always a believer in the closest union between the component parts of British North America, he was an eloquent advocate for Confederation and on the formation by Sir J.Posing as an Italian patriot of liberty, with the reputation for impassioned and eloquent oratory and the added piquancy of being an ex-priest, he had attracted elsewhere a favourable hearing.The great works of human power, achieved by the hand of genius, are but eloquent examples of what may be achieved by the exercise of this virtue.He may be an acute reasoner and an eloquent speaker, and yet, in spite of all this, fail of success.Better far the silent tongue, but the eloquent deed and the most decisive answer of all is doing.Go stand upon the heights at Niagara, and listen in awe-struck silence to that boldest, most earnest, and most eloquent of all nature's oracles!.He would be a Clive or a Wellington, unless indeed he should have a fancy for the Bar and the Woolsack, in which case he would be a little more erudite than Lyndhurst, a trifle more eloquent than Brougham.The most eminent of these is by Fléchier, the eloquent bishop of Nismes.Martyr draws an affecting picture of the anguish of the bereaved parents, which betrayed itself in looks more eloquent than words.That pallid cheek was flushed her eager look Beamed eloquent in slumber!.
The Mayor, in eloquent language, accepted the work, and acknowledged the fervent thanks of the citizens of Toulouse.Henri Noubel, Deputy and Mayor of Agen, made an eloquent speech on the unveiling of the statue.Capot, President of the Society of Agriculture, Sciences, and Arts, gave another eloquent address.Thy last song, the Song of the Swan, was an eloquent and impassioned protest of the Christian, attacked in his fervent belief and his faith.Example sentences for "eloquent" Lexicographically close words: elopements elopers elopes eloping eloquence eloquentia eloquently elped elps els